Welcome to the Mount Annan Christian College Junior School Teacher Blog.

This blog has been developed by our staff to deliver an alternative approach to Professional Learning. We will be exploring a variety of new and innovative approaches to education. Our major focus will be on examining the changing paradigms in education. We hope to share our ideas with each other whilst challenging our current beliefs and practices. We welcome comments from Educators around the globe and look forward to sharing new thoughts and ideas.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily 5 as a Teaching Learning Project at MACC

So it's official! We have set Daily 5 up as a Teaching and Learning Project at MACC. We believe so greatly as a whole staff that the success of Daily 5 to date is worth tracking and worth reporting on.

The aims for our project are as follows:

1. To improve students motivation and stamina in Reading.

2. To ensure all students meet the appropriate stage level of achievement in NSW BOS Reading outcomes.

3. To develop new teaching pedagogy based on current professional research in the area of Reading.

We are well underway with this project and have formalised our methods of collecting data. As a staff we decided to take a four pronged approach to collecting this data. We wanted it to be formative data that was useful along the way and not collected just for the sake of proving the point that we are all convinced of...that DAILY 5 WORKS, but to give us some quality information about our students and their progress as well as some diagnostic information about their individual needs to help us in planning for each student.

Here are our four prongs:

1. Standardised Reading Assessment using The Waddington Standard Reading Test 1.

2. Reading Recovery Levels following regular benchmarking from Running Records.

3. Reading Behaviour Rubrics.

4. Data analysis of individual Pensive's and student reading goals.

Of course we will keep tracking our stamina minutes as we go along and celebrate all the little achievements along the way!

Do you know of any other practices we could use for data collection?

How will you plan/schedule these assessment tasks in your classroom?

Looking forward to your thoughts/comments and reflections!

Listening to Reading.....ideas required!

Great to start a chat amongst our staff about Listening to Reading today. We are trying to come up with ideas for how to expose all students to Listening to Reading. There are so many great sites out there on the web that are excellent and more importantly free!

I found this symbaloo mix tonight:


When you open up this page there are more than 20 links to stories being read aloud! Click on them and have some fun. Some even have follow up activities and/or printables as well. Georgia has also listed several links on the previous post about web resources.

I think the biggest challenge we face is not finding stories read aloud but, how do we listen to them! Our Stage 2's have access to the IPods which is very helpful. Of course that will take some sharing etiquette as we mostly all do D5 in the morning session. Splitters were one suggestion. In that case do we need some more headphones? Will this work? We also have access to the Listening Posts. Is this a practical solution? How can we use these effectively? I believe that the way we manage Listening to Reading will determine the most effective way to use the resources we have.

How are you doing Listening to Reading in your class?

What are the resources you mostly use?

How do you manage student access to the equipment eg whole class or small group?

Would love to hear some ideas on the topic from everyone!