Welcome to the Mount Annan Christian College Junior School Teacher Blog.

This blog has been developed by our staff to deliver an alternative approach to Professional Learning. We will be exploring a variety of new and innovative approaches to education. Our major focus will be on examining the changing paradigms in education. We hope to share our ideas with each other whilst challenging our current beliefs and practices. We welcome comments from Educators around the globe and look forward to sharing new thoughts and ideas.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Doing the 5 in 2012 - Lets Go!!

Well we are gearing up for a full scale launch of Daily 5 this term from Kindy to Year 4. Even our Prep class is getting in on the action!

By now I think we have all read the Daily 5 and thought about how it's going to be implemented. In hearing from many of you over the holidays it seems that you are all excited by this new approach at MACC to Literacy learning this year. I've listed here the resources and links that lots of you have been sending around via twitter and email so they are all in the one place.

Excellent Blog

Excellent Posters

An Excellent Powerpoint

I'm sure there are heaps more but this is a good start!

The one BIG question that keeps coming up is.....how do we store Good Fit Books?

20+ containers n the classroom will take up a great deal of spaces along with a big chunk of the budget, when you times the price per book box 275 times! So is there an alternative?


Mrs Downes said...

Good point Deb. I am excited and a little nervous about implementing the Daily 5, because I want to make sure I do it justice. I was amazed by how much modeling is used. Fantastic reminder for all KLAs too. I am not sure about storing the good fit books. Maybe 1 between two? How about those thicker folders?

Debbie Pope said...

It's natural to be excited and nervous all at the same time when giving something new a bash G! I think the best thing is not to rush it all.....spend the time modeling, building the anchor charts and really making sure it's ingrained before rushing ahead. I think we will really need to support each other through the implementation process and keep talking to each other.
@komos72 told me that most people she knows use extra large ziplock bags and store in group tubs around the room due to the cost of book boxes. Do you think we should give these a try? They are cheap and wouldn't take up as much space as boxes.

Mrs Downes said...

Yes I think that would be a great idea to start. I'll send you a photo of the folders I'm referring to as well, just to show you.
@komos72 seems to have a lot of experience in this area so maybe we should try that? By the way LOVING the CAFE book! Still trying to get my head around all of it, but I agree with you, don't rush and share ideas.

Unknown said...

I'm with Mrs Downes! I'm so excited to implement the Daily 5 but I really want to do it justice, so I'm a little nervous. I can't wait to start some of the lessons. I'm loving the CAFE book as well.