Welcome to the Mount Annan Christian College Junior School Teacher Blog.

This blog has been developed by our staff to deliver an alternative approach to Professional Learning. We will be exploring a variety of new and innovative approaches to education. Our major focus will be on examining the changing paradigms in education. We hope to share our ideas with each other whilst challenging our current beliefs and practices. We welcome comments from Educators around the globe and look forward to sharing new thoughts and ideas.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Word Work Excitement

Kelly put together a great box for Word Work last week with a variety of activities for children to use. The set up is excellent and there are a great range of activities that involve sensory experiences as well. Take a look below.

Can't wait to here how the children use this box Kelly. 

Would love to hear how you are all selecting the words for children to work on. I've heard lots of stories of how people are doing it. Please add them to the blog so we can all learn from each other!


Mrs Gorrie said...

Looks excellent! Well done Miss Winning, so great to see the children so excited about practising their words in so many different ways.

mrs todd said...

Great idea Kel. Its great keeping all the items needed together and organised. It makes things go so much more smoothly

mrs todd said...

Hi Guys
Here is a link for the Stage 2 Word Work Group work.

Hope it helps!